835.01/7–3144: Circular telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics Except Argentina, the Dominican Republic, Paraguay, and Mexico 61
Within the past three weeks we have received several offers or suggestions for “mediation” between this Government and the Farrell regime from other American Governments.
We fully appreciate the spirit which motivates the desire of these Governments to bring about full compliance with inter-American agreements on the part of Argentina. However, the failure of Argentina to comply with commitments made to and with all of the other American Republics does not offer any occasion for “mediation” between the present Argentine regime and this Government any more than that failure presents an occasion for mediation between that regime and any other American government. Argentina’s desertion of the Allied cause and her efforts to undermine solidarity among the American Republics is a hemisphere problem, the concern of all the Republics.
Apart from the fact that this suggestion of mediation places the problem in an entirely false context, Argentina knows full well what is expected of her by all of the American Republics. There is no need for negotiations or discussions in order to make clear what is already so well known.
It is now established that Argentine representatives have been approaching one republic after another suggesting that each serve as mediator between Argentina and the United States. This Argentine ruse is designed to promote the impression that the issue at stake is one between Argentina and the United States and does not involve the prospective mediator. It is further designed to curry favor with each of the governments approached by appealing to its superior sense of objectivity and sympathetic understanding of the issues involved.
Please take occasion to mention the foregoing to the Foreign Minister, taking care to avoid the impression that we do not appreciate the sincerity of the governments that have offered to act as mediators. You should emphasize the inter-American character of the problem, as well as the Argentine effort to divide the Republics by encouraging the view that only the Government of the United States is concerned with Argentina’s conduct.
- Information copies were sent to Buenos Aires, London, and Mexico City.↩