835.01/540: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

5042. Personal for the Ambassador. Your 5045, June 25, 10 p.m. I was profoundly disturbed to learn that before seeing you Eden had already sent a negative message to Halifax for transmission to me on the Argentine question. I earnestly hope that the reconsideration which Eden promised to give the matter after your second conversation with him will result in full cooperation with us on what I consider to be a matter of the most vital common interest.

I saw Halifax again today and emphasized the salient points in my number 4929, June 22, 11 p.m.49 I stressed particularly that the informal negotiations which the various diplomatic representatives have been carrying on in Buenos Aires have not and will not accomplish any constructive results because the Farrell regime is determined to obtain recognition on the basis of mere promises of future action. I stated that the force of our collective position has been seriously weakened by the discussions which members of the Farrell regime have carried on with one Chief of Mission after another and that we considered it imperative to act promptly to forestall Argentine efforts to achieve piecemeal recognition. Halifax seemed impressed by my statement of our position and undertook to cable the Foreign Office again.

The urgent necessity for simultaneous British action has been indicated by the first replies to our circular cable quoted in our no. 4929. In reporting that the Chilean Foreign Minister is recommending to the President that the Chilean Ambassador be recalled for consultation, Bowers states that the Foreign Minister expressed the opinion that the recall of the British Ambassador for consultation and the simultaneous announcement of his recall and that of Mr. Armour would create a profound impression in Argentina.50 The importance of British action is also underlined by our Ambassador in Montevideo reporting his conversation with the President and Foreign Minister of Uruguay.51

It will probably be necessary for us to announce Armour’s recall within the next 24 hours. If the full effect of parallel action is to be realized announcement of recall of British Ambassador should be made very soon thereafter.

  1. See footnote 30, p. 315.
  2. See telegram 1096, June 24, 3 p.m., from Santiago, p. 323.
  3. See telegram 606, June 24, noon, from Montevideo, p. 322