
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State

The Ambassador of Uruguay46 called at my request. I went over the situation among the American nations very much as I did with the Ambassadors of Mexico and Brazil some few days ago. I covered the Argentine situation as set out in our circular telegram of June 22 which was sent to our Ambassadors in the other American Republics in relation to the whole matter and the recall of our Ambassador at [Page 328] Buenos Aires. The Ambassador said he understood the entire situation. Something was said by him about the dangerous situation his country was in, situated as it was near Argentina. I said that at the same time the Argentine military group in charge of the government knew far better than to attack one of our allies in this hemisphere and that this would be the last thing they would attempt. He said he quite agreed.

C[ordell] H[ull]
  1. Juan Carlos Blanco.