835.01/537: Telegram

The Ambassador in Uruguay (Dawson) to the Secretary of State

606. I saw Serrato briefly yesterday to inform him of the action outlined in your circular telegram June 22, 11 p.m. and to arrange for an interview this morning with him and the President.39 In this interview of over an hour I presented our position fully and forcefully and delivered a carefully prepared detailed memorandum following closely your telegram. The President and Serrato said that it was an excellent analysis of the situation but that they were not prepared to give an immediate reply regarding Uruguay’s course. They agreed to study the memorandum and to confer with each other today or tomorrow. I urged them to consider the matter from the broad standpoint of Uruguay’s permanent interests within the framework of continental solidarity rather than from the standpoint of its immediate relations with Argentina.

It would be helpful if I could be advised as promptly as possible as to what other countries will recall their Chiefs of Mission for consultation and particularly whether Great Britain and Brazil will do so.

At one point in our interview the President remarked that members of the Argentine Government are saying that present Uruguayan administration should be overthrown and replaced by a puppet regime. At another point Serrato inquired what my reply would be if he were to ask me what the U. S. would do in case Argentina attacked Uruguay. I asked him and the President whether they wished me to [Page 323] submit this question to my Government. They both said “Not at this time”. Nevertheless I consider it very desirable that Department authorize me in my discretion to give the President and Serrato definite assurances that we will defend Uruguay in case Argentina should attack it.

Repeated to Buenos Aires.

  1. Juan José Amezaga.