835.01/464a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Armour)

833. Reports from our other missions indicate intention on part of most other American Republics to abstain from attendance at other [Page 310] than religious ceremonies in Buenos Aires on May 25. However, Peruvian Chargé d’Affaires18 stated today that his Government intended to authorize its Ambassador to attend official banquet as well as Te Deum services, on theory that no distinction could be made between them since invitations for both functions came from Argentine authorities. He added that important thing was to make clear to Argentine authorities that in either case attendance did not constitute recognition. It was pointed out to him that there was a distinct difference in that church ceremonies would be performed by priests in religious setting while banquet would be presided over by officials of Argentine regime and held in political atmosphere.

Mexican Foreign Minister,19 while reiterating that Mexico stands firm on non-recognition policy until Argentine regime gives definite indication of compliance with inter-American obligations, has instructed his Ambassador in Buenos Aires to use own discretion as to what functions he will attend. Padilla expressed fear non-attendance might be considered insult to Argentine people.

Telegrams have been sent to Lima and Mexico City instructing our Ambassadors to review our position with the respective Foreign Ministers and to stress need for maintaining united front at this crucial stage in the face of Argentine efforts to use May 25 celebrations as means of achieving recognition on part of some, at least, of non-recognizing governments. Please keep in closest touch with your American and British colleagues with a view to assuring common action on this occasion.

  1. Eduardo Garland.
  2. Ezequiel Padilla.