835.01/219: Telegram

The Ambassador in Colombia (Lane) to the Secretary of State

455. Foreign Minister96 has just informed me that Colombian Government has instructed its Chargé d’Affaires in Buenos Aires97 to have no relations with the Argentine Government and to say nothing regarding his instructions. Lozano said that he had received telegrams regarding the attitude of 18 Governments and that the majority of the replies indicate an intention not to enter into official relations with the present Argentine regime but at the same time a desire to make no public statement. Lozano said that while Colombia in conformity with majority would make no public statement at present it would gladly modify its position at a later date if it were convinced that such a step might have a practical effect and provided the majority of other American Governments are in agreement.

Lozano read to me rapidly the replies from various Colombian representatives which I summarize as follows:

Guatemala—will take no step towards recognition.

Havana—will not recognize and will instruct representative at Buenos Aires to do nothing to imply recognition.

San José—will not recognize.

Panama—instructions sent to Panamanian representative not to enter into contact with Argentine Government.

Quito—no reply yet received from Colombian telegram.

Caracas—will not recognize but will make no public statement.

Lima—because of very cordial relations with Argentina, Peruvian Government does not wish to take any action which might create ill will. It has, however, instructed Peruvian Ambassador at Buenos Aires not to acknowledge note from Acting Foreign Minister regarding General Farrell’s assumption of power. Peruvian Government apprehensive regarding resulting tension between Argentine and United States Governments.

Rio de Janeiro—Brazilian Government will not recognize and has instructed Brazilian representative98 to have nothing to do with new regime. It has instructed representative, however, to keep these instructions strictly confidential.

Buenos Aires—Colombian Chargé reports demonstrations favorable to Chile and unfriendly towards United States. Adds that anti-United States feeling growing strongly. He quotes Acting Foreign Minister as stating that Argentina will sincerely comply with its [Page 300] obligations for the defense of the continent and that this is the fundamental policy of Farrell’s Government. Acting Minister quoted as saying that Argentine Government desires to reach understanding with the United States as soon as possible.

Washington—Turbay99 reported having consulted colleagues who in majority stated their governments would not recognize but would make no statement.

Lozano asked me in summing up to inform the Department that Colombia regards its relations with Argentina as “in suspense”, and as evidence thereof has not requested the agreement of Alfonso Araújo as Colombian Ambassador. Without wishing to imply that Minister’s statement is incorrect, it is pertinent to state that according to Araújo himself he has no intention of going to Buenos Aires nor has he ever had such an intention. The fact that the Colombian Government has not requested his agreement may therefore have no relation to the present international situation.

  1. Carlos Lozano y Lozano.
  2. Enrique Vargas Nariño.
  3. José de Paula Rodrígues Alves.
  4. Gabriel Turbay, Colombian Ambassador in the United States.