835.00/2528c: Circular telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics Except Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile
The Acting Secretary’s statement80 regarding the Argentine situation is being telegraphed to you en clair. You are requested to make this available to the Foreign Minister of the country to which you are accredited as soon as possible. You should state to the Foreign Minister that the Acting Secretary is confident that this statement reflects a policy acceptable to the other American republics as a means of strengthening continental solidarity and furthering continental security. You should state, in your discretion, that the Department would welcome some public expression along similar lines from him. The Department leaves to your discretion the extent to which you should go in urging any public action upon the Foreign Minister but feels that such action would be extremely helpful in the present circumstances.
The Department felt obliged to take prompt action by issuing a statement in order to clarify its views as a result of the rapidly moving developments.
- This was a press release of March 4 announcing a policy of non-recognition of the Farrell regime. For text of the statement, see Department of State Bulletin, March 4, 1944, p. 225.↩