810.154/3323a: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Dominican Republic (Briggs)

217. The Department and the Public Roads Administration would appreciate receiving the comments of the Embassy as to the feasibility at this time of calling the attention of the Dominican Government (1) to the desire of this government to see at least one of the two proposed Ciudad Trujillo–Port-au-Prince highway routes2 completed at the earliest possible moment and (2) to the possibility of transferring the remaining funds to the Haitian Government to enable it to complete the unfinished section of the Northern Route should the Dominican Government feel itself unable to proceed promptly with its section of the Southern Route. It is highly desirable that a decision be reached on this matter by July 1 in as much as it is the understanding of the Department that the Lend-Lease funds involved3 expire at that time.

  1. A northern, mountainous route and a southern, lowland route.
  2. $500,000 allocated in 1942.