811.71223/68: Airgram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Peru (Patterson)
A–152. Your airgram A–43, January 13, 5 p.m.31 and previous correspondence concerning Public Works Bonds offered by the Government of Peru in payment of the postal debt owed to the Post Office Department.
A letter dated February 22, 194431 has now been received from the Acting Postmaster General,32 the pertinent portion of which is quoted hereunder:
“In view of the conditions indicated in the communication from the Embassy of January 13, it is desired that the Embassy be requested to take firm action in the matter of collecting the amount of the debt.”
From informal conversations with officials of the Post Office Department it is believed that this decision was reached as a result of the Embassy’s recommendation that firm action be taken “toward collecting the full amount in this case, with interest, and without reductions”.
You are requested therefore to advise the appropriate Peruvian authorities that this Government does not find it possible to accept the arrangement suggested by the Finance Minister of Peru, as set forth in the Embassy’s despatch no. 7665 of August 20, 1943,31 for the payment of the account in Public Works Bonds having a par value of $308,000, the amount of the debt, to be sold over a period of time by this Government. You may advise the officials concerned that this Government must insist upon payment, with interest, and without reductions, of the full amount of the debt. You may point out that this matter is one of long standing, that the amount of [Page 1570] money involved is comparatively small, that the Post Office Department is most desirous of settling the question, and that this Government will appreciate it greatly if payment may be made in the near future. You are also requested to advise the Department of the result of your action.