839.415/94: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Dominican Republic (Warren) to the Secretary of State
[Received 11:46 p.m.]
72. Haitian Government was invited in same manner as other countries to participate in centenary celebration and had intended to send four delegates. As reported in Ambassador White’s despatch 2535 of February 4, 1944,6 delegation has been reduced to two as a result of the publication of Carlos Sanchez y Sanchez’s volume on International Law, with its critical references to Zait [Haiti].7 While Dominican Government has not yet been officially informed to this effect it has learned of it indirectly from a Haitian source.
No special Centennial events had been planned in connection with the Haitian representation. However, as a result of my previous conversations with Archbishop Piliti, who has sponsored the proposal to erect a monument on the frontier symbolic of amity and peace between Haiti and Dominican Republic, I have ascertained Trujillo acquiesces in this proposal and would be willing to invite Lescot to meet him at frontier for purposes of laying cornerstone. In my opinion the first gesture should come from Trujillo.
Refer Department’s telegram 51, February 4.
Repeated to Port-au-Prince.