103.9169 Lima: Airgram

The Chargé in Peru (Butler) to the Secretary of State

A–206. For Foreign Economic Administration. Reference Department’s circular airgrams from Foreign Economic Administration dated February 15, 1944, 11:00 a.m., 11:10 a.m., 11:20 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 11:40 a.m. and 11:50 a.m.,81 in connection with the further modification of the Decentralization Plan.

The Country Agency82 is willing to accept these modifications, but urgently requests that Import Recommendations already issued for the second quarter for the various commodities under reference ((1) trucks, etc.; (2) repair parts for maintenance and capital equipment; (3) radio receiving tubes and other radio equipment; (4) office machinery and appliances, including typewriters; (5) petroleum products) be honored in full before any licenses are issued against applications not covered by Import Recommendations. The Embassy agrees with this point of view, as a great deal of work has been undertaken by the Country Agency in distributing equitably certain allocations for the second quarter.

  1. None printed except the circular airgram of 11:40 a.m., p. 653. These dealt with modifications in the regulations in the several groups of commodities;
  2. Departamento de Importaciones, under the Ministry of Finance. Under the decentralization plan of controlling exports from the United States, the country agency in each country issued preference requests for those commodities most needed, and these requests together with other factors were considered by the Foreign Economic Administration and other agencies in the United States in assigning allotments.