The Ambassador in Paraguay (Beaulac) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 29.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Department’s confidential instruction No. 49, November 27, 1944,28 forwarding a revised Schedule I and authorizing the Embassy to transmit it to the Paraguayan Government, or to withhold transmission pending the arrival of a revised Schedule II. In the same instruction the question of tariff classification of Paraguayan caña was again reviewed.
Since the Embassy’s restricted despatch No. 314 of December 2, 1944,28 informal discussions have taken place with the Foreign Office, and at its request the Embassy has suggested officially to the Foreign Office that negotiations be renewed. A copy of the Embassy’s Note in that regard is attached to this despatch.28 While the holidays will undoubtedly cause some delay, the Foreign Office has promised to expedite the negotiations and has expressed the hope that they may continue without interruption until the agreement is successfully concluded.
Respectfully yours,