103.9169/9–3044: Airgram

The Ambassador in Paraguay (Beaulac) to the Secretary of State

A–318. For Crowley and Lebensburger,21 FEA. Reference Department’s circular airgram dated September 16, 1944, 12 p.m.22 concerning simplification Import Recommendation Procedure. Both Embassy and Paraguayan Country Agency fully in accord with suggested procedure, which if followed according to the text of the proposal, would appear to eliminate considerable detail for all concerned, without detracting in any way from the essentiality and value of the Import Recommendation.

If and when the suggested procedure becomes effective, the Paraguayan Country Agency desires to reserve the right to continue sending one copy of the Import Recommendation to the Paraguayan Embassy at Washington, D.C. in order that that office may be kept fully informed regarding pending applications and thus be in a position to offer a prospective applicant or exporter such assistance as the Embassy there may be in a position to render, if called upon. Local Country Agency has also indicated its desire to continue use of present Import Recommendation forms, of which it has a substantial quantity on hand.

It is assumed that Import Recommendations will continue to be required only for commodities as designated on the Positive List.

  1. S. H. Lebensburger, Director, Requirements and Supply Branch, Bureau of Supplies, Foreign Economic Administration.
  2. Not printed.