740.34112A/8–344: Airgram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Paraguay (Reed)
A–216. Reference Department’s circular airgram of May 19, 194419 and your airgram no. 222 of May 31, 1944. On the basis of the replies received to the above-mentioned circular, the Foreign Economic Administration has decided in the future to withhold approval of license applications on intelligence grounds only in cases where the consignee is included in the Proclaimed or Confidential List and to discontinue the policy of reference of names of unknown consignees to the missions with the request that a report be forwarded in each case on their political desirability as consignees. Most missions indicated that they were in favor of the proposed action and the difficulties inherent in following different procedures for each country precluded the possibility of accepting your recommendation that all applications for Paraguay involving unknown consignees be referred to you prior to licensing for checking on the basis of their political status and commercial activities.
The Department will, however, forward to the missions for their information and for a report if the circumstances warrant, periodic lists prepared by the Foreign Economic Administration containing the names and addresses of persons named as unknown consignees for merchandise shipped from this country, together with the amount [Page 1462] and value of the commodities approved for export. It is hoped that this will meet the objections raised by you and will afford an opportunity for you to maintain substantial control of persons engaged in importation from this country.
- Not printed.↩