811.504 Mexico/384
The Second Secretary of Embassy in Mexico (O’Donoghue) to the Chief of the Division of Mexican Affairs (McGurk)
[Received March 31.]
Dear Joe: The Ambassador saw Dr. Padilla last night at which time the latter raised with him what he termed a very serious situation existing and developing along the border with respect to the illegal transportation to Texas of Mexican workers. The Minister said this was due to the fact that individuals from Texas had been coming into Mexico and promising Mexican workers all sorts of inducements to come to Texas; that once in Texas the promises were never fulfilled, and the Mexican workers were very badly treated. The Minister said that this illegal entry was in some cases facilitated by Mexican border officials, and, he indicated, was winked at by United States immigration officials. Dr. Padilla said to the Ambassador that he felt that something very drastic must be done to curb this illegal activity.
While I was at the Foreign Office last night, Tello97 also broached the matter to me in more general terms. He said that in the opinion of the Ministry it would be decidedly helpful to have an early conference of United States and Mexican immigration officials here in Mexico, and perhaps later at the border posts, in order that those officials might study the situation and recommend the adoption of measures to remedy it. I told him that at the moment there were several United States immigration officials examining into the situation along the border, and that I was certain if such a conference is proposed by the Ministry, United States Government officials would be glad to cooperate. I added that we were just as eager to have the border situation clarified as is the Mexican Government.
Tello said that the Ministry had yesterday sent a note to Gobernación suggesting the advisability of such a conference, and that he hoped to make a formal suggestion therefor to the Embassy within the next three or four days.
You may wish to bring the above information to the attention of the immigration officials in Washington, so that they may be prepared for the suggestion. We are sending a copy of this letter both to Bill Blocker98 and George Winters.99
With kindest regards,
Ever sincerely yours,