816.01/11–144: Telegram

The Ambassador in Nicaragua (Stewart) to the Secretary of State

638. Referring to my telegram No. 637 dated October 31, 6 p.m.45 An aide to President Somoza informed me this morning that the President recognizes that his recognition of the new government in [Page 1107] El Salvador was premature and a mistake. He confirmed that the action was taken following the receipt of an urgent request from the Mcaraguan Minister in El Salvador.46 In part, however, it was due to the President’s absence on Lake Nicaragua off Granada and to misunderstanding of messages transmitted to him by Dr. Argüello the Foreign Minister who is now blamed for the affair. The aide said that President Somoza would accept any suggestions we might make to him in the premises and if we so desired would find some way to negate the recognition.

Repeated to El Salvador.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Juan Marcos López Miranda.