Report by the Second Secretary of Embassy in China (Service)21
Subject: The Present Strength and Future Importance of the Chinese Communists.
To: Commanding General, Fwd. Ech. USAF–CBI, APO 879.
- 1.
- There is attached a memorandum22 regarding the present strength and future importance
of the Chinese Communists.
Summary. The Japanese are being actively and successfully opposed in Communist-controlled areas. This opposition is possible and successful because of total mobilization and unity of army and people. This in turn is possible because of a peaceful revolution under Communist [Page 632] leadership which has improved the political, economic and social status of the peasant. He will fight in future, if necessary, to keep these things he is fighting for now. As the Japanese cannot defeat these forces of the people, neither can the Kuomintang. Force will throw the people into the arms of the Communists: democracy will leave the Communists with a great base for political influence. The Communists are certain to play a large, if not dominant, part in China’s future. End of Summary.
- 2.
- At present this Communist strength, based on popular support, provides a military power for which means should be found to permit its coordination with our war against Japan.
- 3.
- But even more important is the consideration that this popular support gives the Communists political power which will make them a continuing and potent force in China. This is a fact which American policy must take into account.
- 4.
- It is requested that copies of this report be transmitted to the American Ambassador at Chungking and Headquarters, USAF–CBI, for the information of Mr. Davies.
Approved for transmission:
David D. Barrett, Colonel, G. S. C.