740.0011 Pacific War/3792
Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Stettinius) to the Secretary of State
I had a long talk this afternoon with Mr. John Davies71 and General Haydon Boatner.72 They presented a very discouraging story in connection with the relations with the British and the Burma campaign, which the British are not taking seriously.
They also discussed our relations with the Chinese which are in many respects unsatisfactory. General Stilwell is unable to deal with the situation locally so sent his Chief of Staff to Washington to discuss it with the President and General Marshall.73
Owing to the vast importance of this matter and in order that we may have readily available the basic information on your return, I have asked Joe Grew74 to meet with these two gentlemen tomorrow and get the complete story which will be given to you on your return.
Of course my first thought was that the story should be given to Dr. Hornbeck,75 but for reasons which I shall explain to you personally, I have arranged for them to see Joe Grew.
- John Paton Davies, Jr., Second Secretary of Embassy in China, temporarily in Washington, on detail to General Stilwell’s staff.↩
- Brig. Gen. H. L. Boatner, temporarily in Washington; Chief of Staff of the Chinese Army in India and Burma.↩
- Gen. George C. Marshall, Chief of Staff, U. S. Army.↩
- Joseph C. Grew, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State.↩
- Stanley K. Hornbeck, Director of the Office of Far Eastern Affairs.↩