390.1115A/1745: Telegram
The Minister in Switzerland (Harrison) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 8—1:34 p.m.]
162. American Interests, China, Civilian Internments. Secretary this and British Legation handed identical informal communications at Foreign Office this morning of which substance follows:
Fontanel3 reverting situation described Legation’s 81, January 5, reports information he has been able obtain indicates situation camps growing worse: food insufficient, no heating, neither medicinals nor food necessary diet sick made available. Camp Commandants forced obtain food and funds from friends internees. This confirms insufficiency credits made available by Japanese Government for maintenance camps.
Fontanel greatly concerned because requests he made September in concert with Gorgé4 for authorization visit camps ignored by Japanese Consulate. Fontanel fears internees have impression that his activity as representative protecting power inadequate. Request American-British Governments be informed Japanese Civil and Military authorities make extremely difficult carrying out mandate with which he charged.
Foreign Office informally inquires Department agreeable authorize Gorgé make representations in such manner as he deems advisable jointly behalf American-British Governments with view to obtaining either release sick persons or improvement their situation in camps. Foreign Office official believes delivery communication Japanese Government from the Department would not accomplish objective.
British Legation telegraphing London requesting approval procedure suggested by Foreign Office. Please instruct whether Department concurs joint representatives [representations?] by Gorgé on basis he may determine best.5