890F.248/10–644: Telegram

The Minister in Egypt (Tuck) to the Secretary of State

3007. Re No. 7 from Dhahran, October 4.13 From Eddy. Most authentic confidential source confirms that British told Saudi Government to refuse aerodrome to US Army at Dhahran. Royal Air Force Chief Cairo stated to same source that Air Ministry London would not concur in US Army request for Dhahran aerodrome.

In view of British survey for Dhahran airfield this appears to be an unfriendly act constituting (1) anti-American coercion of Saudi Government (2) obstruction to Allied war effort. Perhaps it is test of equal opportunities for US and of British cooperation in Saudi Arabia.14 [Eddy.]

  1. Not printed; it reported the visit of two British officers to Dhahran for the purpose of finding a site for a Royal Air Force landing field (890F.248/10–444).
  2. For correspondence relating to the American-British joint supply program in Saudi Arabia, see pp. 670 ff.