711.52/443: Telegram

The Chargé at Tangier (Elbrick) to the Secretary of State

49. Legation’s 99, May 3, to Department. I have just seen Uriarte58 who informed me that no instructions have yet been received from Madrid regarding expulsion of Germans. I told him that it is most important to everyone concerned that this phase of agreement be executed at once since any delay will only complicate matters and make eventual expulsion more difficult. He agreed but said matter rests with Madrid Government and High Commissioner, who is returning tomorrow from Melilla, will not act without instructions. British Consul General and I feel such instructions should be issued at once. Undue delay could easily dissipate every favorable impression already created here by the announcement of the settlement. Uriarte informed Gascoigne today that publication of Eden’s statement in British Tangier Gazette will be permitted as soon as permission is received officially from Madrid. He told Gascoigne yesterday publication of reference to their expulsion would have been discourtesy to Germans. He said he had given orders to local censor to eliminate such references since paper is circulated in Spanish Zone as well as Tangier and since local authorities had not received instructions from Madrid regarding agreement.

Repeated to Department and Algiers for Murphy.59 Sent to Madrid.

  1. Gen. D. Jenaro de Uriarte, Spanish Military Governor of Tangier, and Delegate of the High Commissioner at Tangier.
  2. Robert D. Murphy, Chief Civil Affairs Officer at Algiers, United States Political Adviser on the Staff of the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean, and United States member of the Advisory Council, Allied Control Commission for Italy.