
The Secretary of State to the Acting American Representative to the French Committee of National Liberation at Algiers (Chapin)

No. 78

Sir: Reference is made to the Department’s telegram no. 470 of February 12, 8 p.m., with respect to the extraterritorial rights of American ressortissants in Morocco.

In view of the different status of Morocco as compared with Algeria and Tunisia and the special treaty rights possessed by this Government in Morocco, the Department desires that in future no action or decision be taken by the Office of the Representative of the United States in Algeria which might affect those treaty rights without reference of the subject to the Legation in Tangier for an expression of its views.

Owing to military exigencies and pressing practical considerations, it has been deemed necessary by the Department to consider problems affecting Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia under the general reference of French North Africa. Now that the more immediate practical considerations compelling that decision have passed and with the return of more normal conditions in North Africa, it is considered desirable that all possible care should be taken in the conservation of our treaty rights in Morocco by the avoidance of any misconceptions of our position with respect to those rights on the part of the French Protectorate and other authorities in French North Africa.

In addition to affording the Legation in Tangier an opportunity to present its views on questions affecting French Morocco which might involve American treaty rights, it is desired that you keep the Legation in Tangier and the Consulates in Casablanca and Rabat currently informed on all matters reported on by you relating to French North Africa which might be of interest to those offices.

Very truly yours,

For the Secretary of State:
A. A. Berle, Jr.