891.51A/12–2644: Telegram
The Ambassador in Iran (Morris) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 26—1:05 p.m.]
950. My telegram No. 932 December 15. On December 20 Medjliss Finance Committee approved modified form of Prime Minister’s bill for transfer of Millspaugh economic powers. Changes provide that [Page 444] powers shall be exercised by Bayat personally with the assistance of a committee of 4 chosen with the consent of the Council of Ministers. He would be authorized to take under his direct control all organizations created under the law of 13th Ordibehesht, as well as economic organizations existing before that law and all state monopolies and Government-owned institutions, and to operate them independently or attach them to one or more ministries. He would also be empowered to dissolve such organizations. Any new or altered organizations should be presented for Medjliss approval within 3 months. Government would be instructed to make an audit of all economic organizations and report to Medjliss within 3 months. Law to be valid for 6 months.
This bill was to have been reported to Assembly December 21 but was sidetracked for provisional budget bill for current 2 months. Sessions of December 22 and 24 produced no action and next meeting has been set for December 31.