891.51 A/1185: Telegram
The Chargé in Iran (Ford) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 25—11:45 a.m.]
455. Prime Minister has today written Millspaugh refusing to accept his resignation. Finance Minister this morning summoned all subordinate members of mission asking them to stay and to endeavor to persuade Millspaugh to stay. If Millspaugh declines, he requested them to choose one of their number as chief of the mission. Bill repealing full powers law is still before Majlis but will not come to a [Page 414] vote today as was expected. While Legation endeavored to persuade individual members of mission to delay any action regarding their own resignations, I am informed that all members now in Tehran have submitted their resignations to Millspaugh but have not yet informed the Iranian Government of their action.