
The Assistant Adviser, War Supply and Resources Division (Farriss) to the Chief of the Afghanistan Section, Foreign Economic Administration (Meeker)

My Dear Mr. Meeker: Because of a re-assignment of responsibility for Afghan economic matters in the Office of Wartime Economic Affairs, we have delayed answering your letter to Mr. Merchant of September 25.

With reference to the question of general procedure raised in the penultimate paragraph of your letter, it is our understanding that all export license applications should indicate that the commodities covered are for use in the specific Government Department or project for which they have been approved. If the commodities, however, are not included in the approved program but have received the approval of the Department of State, the Foreign Economic Administration may validate the export license if the supply situation permits. It is also our understanding that the commodities under general license, even though not included in the program, may be shipped to Afghanistan.

At the present time, we are discussing with the British the question of permitting licensing of materials in free supply in excess of the program, or items not included in the program. This problem is related to the availability of shipping.

We shall inform you as soon as a reply is received from the British.

Sincerely yours,

James J. Farriss