The Chargé in Iran (Ford) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 28.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to my despatch number 906 dated April 4, 1944 enclosing an editorial87 from a Tehran newspaper on the subject of the Millspaugh Mission and to enclose a further collection of calumnies on this subject.
Dr. Millspaugh has a tough skin and, while upset over the bitterly hostile press he has suddenly acquired, he does not appear to be unduly alarmed over it. Far more important to him are the attitudes of the Prime Minister and the Majlis which may be said to be definitely hostile at the moment. I intend to forward the Department a separate despatch88 within the next few days recounting the stormy sessions of the past week in the Majlis with special emphasis on the violent attacks on Dr. Millspaugh and his mission. At this time however, I wish merely to transmit typical articles of the Iranian press on the Millspaugh question. Bad as the reputation of the Tehran papers may be, continued onslaughts of this sort cannot but do the Mission irreparable harm and I shall not fail to let the Department have the more interesting of these diatribes as they appear.
Respectfully yours,