Memorandum by the Secretary of War (Stimson) to the Secretary of State 55
The War Department has received a message from the Commanding General, Persian Gulf Command, which expands on State Department Message No. 350 of 19 May 44 from Teheran. General Connolly believes that the proposed railroad agreement would endanger harmonious relations between U.S. and Russia in the Persian Corridor, and that as dilatory action would probably be resorted to by the Russians, nothing could actually be accomplished by pushing the agreement. It appears from the above two messages that both Mr. Ford and General Connolly are in agreement as to the undesirability of forcing an agreement.
The above message introduced nothing to change the War Department view from that portrayed in a letter from the Secretary of War to the Secretary of State dated 8 April 194456 when it was stated that [Page 379] “the War Department does not see any reason to enter into the proposed agreement”.
Colonel, G.S.C.