740.00119 European War 1939/9–2444: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Iran (Morris)

661. Dept has furnished War copies of your despatches 37 and 56, September 22 and 29, and requested that question of disposal of installations and materials be treated urgently. Dept expressed hope that Iran will be accorded as generous treatment as possible in view of hardship and inconvenience it has suffered, especially as regards depletion of civil transport, and in view of the settled policy of the United States to strengthen Iran. Supplies and installations, however, should not be ceded outright without obtaining assurances regarding possible Iranian claims against us. War is being reminded, at the same time, that possible United States Government needs for certain Army supplies and perhaps installations should be borne in mind, and that American educational and other interests should be considered.

In view of the urgency and importance of this question, please report, after consultation with General Connolly any steps taken or contemplated in question of disposal of installations and materials. Information is needed particularly concerning the location and valuation of all installations and estimate of the nature and amount of supplies which the Army may leave in Iran.
