124.91/106b: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Iran (Ford)
54. Please inform the Foreign Office that this Government proposes February 10 as the date on which announcements will be made in Washington, London, and Tehran regarding the elevation of the Iranian, British and American diplomatic establishments in those cities from Legations to Embassies. If this date is agreeable to the British and Iranian Governments, the American Government contemplates [Page 306] making an announcement on February 10 in the following sense:
“The Government of the United States has decided to elevate the status of its diplomatic mission at Tehran from that of a Legation to an Embassy. The Iranian Government has notified the Department of State of its intention to take corresponding action with regard to the status of its diplomatic mission in Washington. This action has been agreed upon in recognition of the greatly increased relationships between the two countries which have recently developed, and is in accordance with the status of Iran as a full member of the United Nations.”
Please report whether the Iranian Government concurs in this proposal.