868.48/12–2144: Telegram

The Minister in Sweden (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

5222. Confirmation was obtained today from Swedish Foreign Ministry of Swedish desire to continue Greek Relief Commission at least in skeleton form and to avoid any overt justification for Germans to withdraw safe-conduct for ships (cf. my 5142, December 16, 3 p.m.) not sent to Athens (and Department’s 2538, December 16, midnight, repeated to Athens).

In talks here with Justice Sandstrom Foreign Ministry worked out tentative plan to continue Commission in its present functions (in these parts of Greece which Allied authorities have assigned to Commission for distribution) until February 15 at which time Commission would give up distributional activity and become mere skeleton control body to which cargoes would still be consigned. Control functions is important to demonstrate to Germans that neutral character of Commission remains.

[Here follows a brief summary of some operational problems of the relief program.]

My 1, December 21, 7 p.m., to Athens repeats this message.
