868.01 A.M.G./9–2944: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State
[Received 9:07 p.m.]
8148. The Embassy has received a letter dated September 25 from the Foreign Office concerning the proposed civil affairs agreement with the Greek Government. See Department’s 6541, August 17, 9 p.m. The letter said:
The draft of a comprehensive agreement based substantially on the model of those concluded with the western Europe Allied [Allies] and embodying most of the clauses from the agreement prepared in [Page 190] Cairo which related specifically to the work of the relief mission was as a matter of urgency telegraphed to Washington for consideration by the American authorities. In this draft an effort was made to meet UNRRA’s comments on the Cairo draft. (See Department’s 6769, August 24, 9 p.m.4) The comments by the American authorities on this draft and particularly the objection to the use of the word “Allied” in view of the very limited United States participation in operations in Greece have been noted and the draft has been revised in London taking into account the suggestions put forward by the United States authorities and has been telegraphed to Washington. The Foreign Office hopes that it will receive early approval by the Combined Civil Affairs Committee and the Combined Chiefs of Staff in order that negotiations may be stated [started?] with the Greek Government. It is the Foreign Office’s understanding that the American Government proposes to conclude a shorter agreement with the Greek Government covering the specific activities regarding rehabilitation and relief with which the Government will be associated.
Repeated to AmEmBalk and AmPolAd.
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