740.00117 P.W./1–2745
The Secretary of State to the Swiss Minister (Bruggmann)
The Secretary of State presents his compliments to the Honorable the Minister of Switzerland and has the honor to refer to the [Page 1323] Legation’s notes (Th. 1.) dated, respectively, February 4, 1944 and February 14, 1944 each quoting the text in translation of separate communications received from the Government of Thailand concerning bombing attacks upon certain areas in that country. Receipt of the Legation’s notes under reference was acknowledged by the Department of State on February 14 and March 3, 1944 respectively.
The Legation may inform the Government of Thailand that the United States Government has conducted a lengthy and detailed investigation into this matter. The results of this investigation reveal that certain hospitals in the area surrounding Bangkok were damaged by bombs from British or American aircraft. However, it is not possible to state whether the damage was inflicted by American or British forces. Investigation also reveals that United States planes did participate in several raids against Bangkok during the latter part of 1943 and January 1944 and study of target objectives in the Bangkok area indicates the probability that non-military targets occasionally may have been damaged in spite of the best efforts to avoid them.
Military forces of the United States Government are continuing, as in the past, to direct their attacks against installations of, or being used by, the armed forces of the enemy. It is regrettable that upon occasion the proximity of these installations to areas occupied by non-combatants may result in casualties among the civilian population.
The United States Government regrets that the civilian population of Thailand and non-combatant installations in Thailand suffered as a consequence of military operations directed solely against military objectives.