740.00112 European War 1939/8–1844: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
6614. Stockholm’s 3163, August 18, 8 p.m.,45 just received reports that Boheman has informed Johnson that afternoon of August 18 orders were given withdrawing insurance for all Swedish shipping including Baltic ports. Authorization for order was given by the Prime Minister and must remain technically provisional until Monday when other members of Government return to Stockholm.
[Page 617]In agreeing to London’s suggested addition to oral statement (Department’s No. 6607, 6 p.m. August 19,) this Government was principally motivated by a desire to get the earliest possible action and so far as possible to meet British views. It was felt, however, that there was danger by attaching so much emphasis to the shipping point that the wider objective to which this Government attaches the greatest importance might be prejudiced. In view of Johnson’s information referred to above, perhaps the British would now agree to withdraw their suggested amendment to the oral message. Such withdrawal would not affect our agreement to drop the threat of sanctions from the oral statement.
Please take this up at once but emphasize that if the British do not wish to withdraw their amendment we would rather agree to its retention than to delay delivery of joint message and oral statement beyond Monday the 21st.
Please inform Stockholm directly as well as the Department of result of your talk with the British on this matter.
Sent to London, repeated to Stockholm as No. 1659 Aug. 19 and to Moscow as No. 1979.
- Not printed.↩