740.00112 European War 1939/10605: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
3224. I have read with interest your 327327 and Lord Selborne’s letter repeated in your 3268.28 We are all appreciative of the fine work which the Embassy and the Economic Warfare Division have done in assisting our air forces. We had already determined upon a line of approach on the ballbearing matter somewhat similar to that proposed by Lord Selborne. As you have noted from other telegrams we are prepared in conjunction with the British to enter into an extensive pre-emptive purchasing program, details of which we intend shall be worked out in Sweden through direct and businesslike conversations with Wallenberg and other SKF representatives. To this end Mr. Stanton Griffis29 is leaving this country on April 25 to fly by Lisbon to London and thence to Sweden with full authority from USCC and FEA and with the full approval of the State Department. He will carry on his discussions in Stockholm under the general supervision of Johnson and of Riefler should the latter go to Stockholm in accordance with the suggestion made in Department’s 3072.27
I am, of course, agreeable to the suggestion made by you and concurred in by Mr. Stettinius that Riefler and Foot come to Washington. Since the effectiveness of Mr. Griffis’ proposed conversations in Stockholm will be greatly enhanced if he can have the benefit of consultation with Riefler and Foot in London I suggest, however, that they may wish to postpone their departure for Washington until after Griffis’ arrival in London. Griffis has a first hand knowledge of the views of interested agencies in Washington and consultation with him may result in agreement in London on a practicable common program.