740.00112 European War 1939/10620: Telegram

The Minister in Sweden (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

1417. Foreign Minister Günther received British Minister and me this afternoon to hand over aide-mémoire dated today (identic copies to Mallet and me) in reply to my aide-mémoire of April 13 on subject ballbearing exports to Germany. Mr. Günther had very little to say. He reverted to remarks he had made on April 13 when our démarche was made and said that those remarks were still valid as expression of Swedish Government’s view. Mr. Boheman was present and stated that after present interview he would have something to say to British Minister and me. See my 1368, April 20 and previous messages on this question in particular my 1265, April 13. Another telegram contains résumé of Swedish aide-mémoire.25

Mr. Günther stated that he was not making text of this public and inquired what was intention of our Governments. Both Mallet and I replied that we had received no information on this point but Mallet explained that there would doubtless be inquiries in Parliament regarding Swedish reply and that Foreign Minister would probably give its substance. I likewise remarked that Department of State might feel it necessary to make public nature of Swedish reply. Mr. Günther [Page 519] said that he was giving same information but not text of aide-mémoire to representatives of Swedish press this afternoon.

My 319 repeats this to London.

  1. See telegram 1419, April 23, 5 p.m., from Stockholm, p. 522.