860H.01/12–1044: Telegram
The United States Political Adviser on the Staff of the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater (Kirk), to the Secretary of State
[Received December 11—2:07 a.m.]
1680. AFHQ is informed that in course of an interview with Subasic, Stalin emphasized necessity to combine popular feeling with discipline in forming of true democratic government. According to Stalin agreement reached between Tito and Subasic is satisfactory so long as it is representative of wishes of people. He criticized electoral method of acclamation recently used in Serbia and said correct elections ought to have been held. Yugoslav Prime Minister is convinced that return of King Peter would bring disorder to the country and feels that a democratic party system will eventually develop under the regency. He is working out composition of future united government.
Food crisis in Dalmatia is becoming worse every day according to BLO99 and some anti-Allied feeling is said to be arising as result of non-arrival of supplies. Observers in Belgrade say that Partisan reluctance to permit UNRRA1 observers complete freedom of movement is caused primarily by feeling that this request infringes against Yugoslav sovereignty. Partisans in Belgrade maintain that in any case it is not possible now to set up another government with a stronger legal title than present one which is at least an effective and de facto one.
Reports from Belgrade also state that Partisans there are distributing Russian relief supplies effectively through ordinary commercial channels and the supplies are thus available to everyone without regard to their political leanings.