860H.01/11–2444: Telegram
The Ambassador to the Yugoslav Government in Exile (Patterson) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 24—6:50 p.m.]
Yugos 5. I called upon Dr. Kosanovich, acting Foreign Minister, this morning at his invitation. He said: “It is rumored that Draza Mihailovich with American or British help, and probably American, is on his way to Italy. The Yugoslav Government is concerned about this, for among other things Mihailovich would thus escape punishment.” Also, if he leaves Yugoslavia, “he might hurt King and make it difficult for King with Tito and Yugoslav people.”
In this connection, Kosanovich said that Knezevich, who refused at the time Ambassador Fotich was dismissed to follow orders of Yugoslav Government, was afterwards taken to Bari in an American plane. Pribicevich, too, was taken from Yugoslavia to Bari in American aircraft. These acts Yugoslav Government considered unfriendly.
Kosanovich went on to say he had made similar démarches regarding Mihailovich to Ambassador Stevenson who had replied that Churchill discussed problem of Mihailovich with Tito and promised that if he fell into British hands he would be interned in British territory, but Britain would not permit him to be extradited, Kosanovich, adding that Mihailovich is now probably in northern Dalmatia, said Stevenson had assured him British would not help Mihailovich to escape. Acting Foreign Minister then said if American Government does assist Mihailovich, Yugoslav Government might consider that United States if [is] officially supporting Mihailovich. Kosanovich suggested that if Mihailovich escapes into our hands he hopes we will turn him over to British authorities. He ended by saying, “There is an American representative in Bari who is friendly to Mihailovich.” He requested me to bring all he had said to the attention of the United States Government.
This afternoon Ambassador Stevenson showed me his telegram to Lord Halifax asking him to discuss with the Department problem of disposition to be made of Mihailovich. Stevenson thinks US and Britain should combine in bringing Mihailovich out if his life is at stake, but not otherwise.
Repeated to Rome for Kirk and to Moscow.