Memorandum by the Director of the Office of Strategic Services (Donovan)69
The following is a cabled report which we received on 28 October 1944 from our representative Mr. Bernard Yarrow:70
“King Peter saw Churchill this afternoon. Herewith report as given me by King. Stalin and Churchill discussed general Balkan situation. It was agreed that Greece will be under British only. Yugoslavia military operations and administration upon liberation will be under joint British-Russian control.71
“Question of Monarchies in Balkans as a whole was discussed. Stalin was not in principle against re-establishment of Monarchies in Balkans. He said, ‘If a King can be more useful in waging war against enemy and maintaining stability after victory, he would prefer him to a makeshift Republic’ Specifically as to Peter, Stalin said, ‘He seems to be a young man who is close to his people.’ But insisted that question of King’s return be postponed until people express will by plebiscite. Churchill added, ‘When time comes I shall see to it that plebiscite is conducted under British, Russian and American supervision.’ Churchill smilingly added, ‘I shall manage your campaign when time comes.’
“King informed Churchill that he learned from Sutej, Minister of Finance, that Subasic before departure harbored plan to create regency commission and appointing himself as member of same. King expressed anxiety that Subasic will attempt to perpetuate own political power and is not person upon whom King can rely to fight for his return. Churchill said that this regency idea was news to him and that it is despicable that Subasic promoted it. He assured King that if regency is suggested to him by Subasic or anyone, he will rudely reject it. He said, ‘You are neither minor nor at your death bed or mentally deficient, therefore there can be no question of appointing regent.’ Churchill amplified that if regent were appointed [Page 1415] his acts of malfeasance would be charged against King hence unacceptable. Churchill made a note to send word immediately to British representative participating Tito–Subasic conferences and warn him of Subasic’s regency scheme. King learned that Philip-Broad, former secretary British Legation Belgrade, is British representative at conference. Churchill said that when he met with Tito and Subasic in Italy it was he who fought the battle of the Monarchy with Tito and not Subasic. Churchill said that Tito is only a Communist and will try to put one of his followers as Prime Minister who will exercise very little power. Tito retaining same.
“King asked Churchill to arrange conference between him and Tito in Churchill’s presence. Churchill said, ‘It is premature now but I will seek the President’s opinion as to the advisability of such a meeting.’
“Churchill expressed view that King should not under any circumstances be on Yugoslav soil at present. First because he does not wish by King’s presence to legalize some of the misdeeds perpetrated by Tito against some of Yugoslav people. Second that it would be easy to assassinate him and then claim that he was murdered by German agent or Michailovic henchmen. Churchill expressed annoyance at General Ristic’s, Minister of Defence,72 placing Royal Yugoslav Air Force and Navy under Tito’s command. He said that he received word from his Admiral commanding Mediterranean that he will not tolerate same.
“Finally Churchill reassured King that he need not worry about Subasic–Tito conference for any agreement will have to get his sanction. He said that Stalin was not unreasonable about general Balkan situation but that of course Stalin is a very shrewd man and situation will have to be watched.
“King requests you to keep this report confidential. He is concerned that Churchill may be annoyed if he suspects that King is talking.”
- Sent in a letter of this date to James C. Dunn, Director of the Office of European Affairs, for transmission to the Secretary of State.↩
- Bernard Yarrow of the Office of Strategic Services, stationed in London, had been over a period of some months in close touch with Subasich and had been devoting special attention to the Yugoslav negotiations.↩
- For correspondence on the meetings of Prime Minister Churchill and Premier Stalin in Moscow, October 9–18, 1944, see pp. 1002–1024, passim. Regarding conditions in Greece, see vol. v, pp. 84 ff.↩
- Gen. Borislav Ristich had succeeded General Mihailovich as Minister of Defense on September 12.↩