
The British Embassy to the Department of State


The State Department’s Aide-Mémoire dated May 20th, containing the Department’s proposals that discussions should be initiated with the Portuguese Government forthwith on the basis of the recommendations of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, has been communicated to the Foreign Office.

It is the view of His Majesty’s Government that while careful consideration will be given to the recommendation submitted by the Combined Chiefs of Staff, it would be inappropriate, at this moment, to press the Portuguese Government to take the step of becoming an active Ally in the war. His Majesty’s Government consider that the proposals set out in the Department’s Aide-Mémoire would be vigorously resisted by Dr. Salazar and that to act upon them at this moment would, at the best, mean considerable further delay over the question of Portuguese wolfram exports, and at the worst, might result in a serious deterioration in our relations with Portugal. This view is confirmed by His Majesty’s Ambassador in Lisbon.

There are, however, reliable indications from Lisbon that Dr. Salazar is urgently reconsidering his policy on the basis of the Anglo-Portuguese alliance, and His Majesty’s Government have therefore instructed Sir R. Campbell at once to renew our demand for a complete embargo in the most pressing terms.

His Majesty’s Government hope to be able to report further developments to the United States Government very shortly, and trust that the United States Government will agree that this matter should, for the present, continue to be handled by His Majesty’s Government on the basis of the Anglo-Portuguese alliance. It is in the meanwhile regarded as most important that there should be no public statements or wireless propaganda to Portugal from the United Kingdom or from the United States which might be interpreted as undue pressure. His Majesty’s Government are taking all steps open to them to prevent this, and hope that the United States Government will also assist in this respect.