711.94114 Supplies/10–2844: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Soviet Union (Kennan)
2552. Immediately upon the departure of the Hakusan Maru from Nakhodka en route to Japan, please communicate in a formal note to the Soviet Foreign Office substance of the following:
The Government of the United States desires to express to the Soviet Government its warm thanks for the Soviet Government’s invaluable cooperation and assistance in the difficult and protracted negotiations leading up to the transshipment at Nakhodka of relief supplies and correspondence intended for distribution to Allied nationals in Japanese custody. The need of American prisoners of war and civilian internees in the Far East for supplemental food, clothings and medical supplies has served greatly to increase the concern felt by the American people for the welfare of American nationals held by Japan. The American public has been fully informed of the part played by the Soviet Government in connection with the onward shipment to Japan of the supplies which have recently gone forward and the Soviet Government may be assured of the heartfelt gratitude of the American people for this friendly cooperation without which the onward shipment of supplies so desperately needed would not have been possible.13
- The most recent revision of the summary of the steps taken in behalf of American nationals in Japanese custody appeared in the Department of State Bulletin, October 15, 1944, p. 439; and on the coming transfer of relief supplies on board the Hakusan Maru, in a press release of October 24, ibid., October 29, 1944, p. 494.↩