711.94114 Supplies/7–1544: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman)
1825. ReDepts 1708 and 1709 of July 15. You will note that the Japanese Government is ready to transship mail as well as relief supplies. If the consent of the Soviet Government is received to the conditions set forth in the Japanese reply, you are requested to endeavor to obtain the Soviet Government’s authorization for United States’ authorities immediately to load on Soviet vessels bound for Vladivostok mail for prisoners of war and civilian internees for transshipment on the Japanese vessel at Nakhodka.96 This shipment of mail is meant to be supplementary to and not to replace the regular mail routed via Teheran and Moscow.
- Ambassador Harriman reported in telegram 3200, August 28, 1944, that he had sent a note asking that Soviet vessels from the United States west coast to Vladivostok be authorized to carry mail for American prisoners of war and civilian internees in Japan (711.94114 Supplies/8–2844).↩