740.00116 EW/11–1044: Telegram

The Minister in Ireland (Gray) to the Secretary of State

196. On November 9 in Dail Mr. De Valera was urged to reply to questions regarding Irish answer to American request for denial of asylum to Axis war criminals. He refused to reply pleading reasons of state and suggested that he was not free to give text of his answer without the consent of others, implying that we did not wish publication. It is probable that the true reason for his embarrassed reticence was that he did not wish to disclose our dissatisfaction with his reply.

Some Cabinet members are spreading report that we are satisfied with reply. I have corrected this impression in confidence when appropriate [Page 1448] occasion offered. It is probably advisable to let Irish Government suppress the facts till it suits your convenience to make announcement. But you might instruct me to notify De Valera that we had no wish to cause him embarrassment and that he was at liberty to publish the full record at his convenience.
