740.00116 E.W./9–2944: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Spain (Hayes)
2701. Reurtel 3286, September 29, 9 a.m. Although we are gratified at Lequerica’s statement that the Spanish Government would interpose no obstacle to delivering war criminals to justice outside of Spain, we feel that he has, in his statement that Spain would abide strictly by the usages and the precepts of International Law, somewhat [Page 1436] missed the point. In accordance with the precepts and usages of International Law any Government has the sovereign prerogative of denying admission to any one and of expelling any one who enters its territory without permission. Should Spain exercise this accepted and lawful sovereign prerogative with respect to any one who might be considered a war criminal no unfortunate repercussions need arise with the victorious United Nations.