740.00116 European War/11–744: Telegram
The Chargé to the Czechoslovak Government in Exile (Schoenfeld) to the Secretary of State
London, November 7,
1944—7 p.m.
[Received 7:30 p.m.]
[Received 7:30 p.m.]
Zecho 22. In note of November 6 Czechoslovak Foreign Office states German radio reports recent capture in Slovakia of Czech General Viest and Brigadier General Golian together with other officers, and soldiers. Czech Government appeals to United States Government again to issue in any suitable form a warning to German military and other authorities against mistreatment of war prisoners in line with its declaration of September 7.55 Similar appeal is being addressed to British and Soviet Governments.
]- Department of State Bulletin, September 10, 1944, p. 263.↩