740.00116 EW/9–3044: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)
3604. American Interests—Germany. Please request the Swiss Government to deliver the following textually to the German Government:
The Government of the United States has received information which clearly shows that Allied military personnel who served as parachutists during the fighting in France were captured by the German authorities and treated as francs tireurs. The resulting murder and other brutal treatment of captured members of duly organized Allied military units is an unquestioned and uncivilized violation of the rules of warfare. The American Government will hold the German Government responsible as a state, and will hold the German authorities involved responsible as individuals and will exact full retribution for such atrocities. The American Government demands immediate cessation of this practice and receipt of formal assurance from the German Government that effective measures have been taken to prevent its recurrence.
Please report date of delivery to German Government of the foregoing protest.