740.00115 E.W./11–2244: Telegram

The Chargé in Switzerland (Huddle) to the Secretary of State

7684. American Interests, Germany, Civilian Exchange. Swiss Foreign Office official indicates orally that Swiss are willing to take up with the German authorities the question of exchange of 850 civilians on the basis of the three numbered points contained Department’s 3928, November 18.

The possible implications of the non-negotiations thus far of a separate German-Paraguayan exchange set forth in penultimate paragraph of Department’s 3928 were discussed at Swiss Foreign Office. The Swiss official consulted nevertheless stated that it is not considered possible to present the proposal for a separate German-Paraguayan exchange to the German authorities until the Legation presents notification that the German Government has officially informed the Spanish authorities that it accepts the Paraguayan mandate to the United States to negotiate the separate exchange through the Swiss. Accordingly the statements contained in Madrid’s 3708, November 947 are not considered adequate.

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The Swiss have, nevertheless, agreed orally to present numbered point 2 of Department’s 3928 to the Germans in such a manner as clearly to indicate that the negotiation of a separate German-Paraguayan exchange by the Department is contemplated without actually presenting the proposals therefor at this time.

Repeated to Madrid referring its 3708, November 9 to Department.

  1. Not printed.