840.48 Refugees/10–1844: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland (Harrison) to the Secretary of State

6913. Swiss note October 13 transmits copy note date September 26 addressed Swiss Legation Budapest or Hungarian Foreign Office which contains in summary translation following reply:

a. To numbered paragraph 3 Department’s 2863, August 19:

Hungarian Legation Berlin established workers Supervisory Office to take care of Hungarian Nationals placed at disposal German Government as workers. Competence this office extends to every male and female worker of Hungarian nationality without regard to race and religion.

Furthermore permanent delegate of Intercross at Berlin Dr. Robert Schirmer was informed pursuant his request during Budapest visit early August that Hungarian Government authorizes Intercross relief and humanitarian activity also for those Jews placed at disposal German Government as workers.

Hungarian Government itself made proposal to German Government that Intercross representative be permitted visit Hungarian Jews working in Germany.

b. To second paragraph point 1 Department’s 2900, August 23.

Already in August 1944 it was ordered that the transfer of Jews of Jewish faith for labor service abroad must definitely be stopped. Since then no Jews placed at disposal German Government.

Hungarian Government prepared give all categories of Jews authorization to emigrate. Dr. Schirmer was so informed during his above mentioned visit.

Hungarian Government has given its consent for Intercross organs to observe living conditions and treatment of Jews. This control was carried out end of July and beginning August 1944 by Dr. Schirmer and since then by Dr. Friedrichborn Intercross delegate at Budapest.
