840.48 Refugees/9–1144: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

7485. The cable below for Mann is WRB 3 and refers Embassy’s 7473 of September 11.

The following message has been sent to Bern.

Your considered judgment desired as to whether actual offer to permit 2100 or any other number of Jews to leave Hungary provided [Page 1157] they depart for American or British territory has been made by German or Hungarian authorities. We cannot judge whether such a concrete offer has been made or whether the message from the British Minister in Bern quoted above represents merely the opinion of various agencies and individuals that the Germans might possibly be more willing to allow Jews to depart for some territory other than Palestine. In this connection see your 5579 of August 26. A prompt reply would be appreciated, as a specific answer to this question is necessary before any decision in this matter can be taken by this Government.

Undoubtedly you will desire to ask British Minister in Bern, Intercross officials, and all other appropriate groups and individuals whether any further information in the matter is available to them.

No decision is possible until reply from Bern is received. Meanwhile, transmission of any additional information that you may procure is confidently assumed.
