840.48 Refugees/8–2644: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)

3120. The cable below for McClelland is WRB 158. Please refer paragraph 1 your 5579 of August 26. Attention of Intercross may be drawn to text of this Government’s reply of August 11 (see Department’s 2657 of August 2) to Intercross in which it undertook to arrange for care of all Jews allowed to leave Hungary under current circumstances, who reach United Nations or neutral territories and to [Page 1150] find temporary refuge havens for them. No limitation to Jews possessing Palestine certificates or planning to enter Palestine was implied in that reply.

Attention of Intercross may also be drawn to special provisions made (Department’s 2605 of August 1 [July 28])97 in favor of persons to whom American immigration visas were issued or authorized after July 1, 1941; to extension of children’s visa facilities (Department’s 2877 of August 2198) to Jewish children from Hungary; to provisions (Department’s 2918, of August 24) in favor of close relatives of American citizens and alien legal residents; and to assurances (Department’s 2978 of August 29)98 procured by this Government from Ireland and Honduras in favor of children from Hungary. In addition, admission of 100 children from Hungary has been agreed to by Nicaragua, and willingness to give emergency shelter for duration of war to refugees from enemy territory has been expressed by Mexico.

This Government has also requested the cooperation of Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Portugal and Turkey regarding admission of such Jews as are allowed to leave Hungary. Partial success has attended these requests, 2,000 visas have been authorized by Spain. Admission of children, numerous adults, and persons to whom American visas were issued or authorized after July 1, 1941, is reported as being agreed to by Sweden. Rumania is cooperating, but current events on its Hungarian border probably preclude evacuation thereto.

You may reiterate, in pointing out foregoing to Intercross, this Government’s refusal ever to limit its undertakings regarding emigration of Jews from Hungary to any number or particular category of Jews or to Jews bound for any particular country and its protest against the attempt to introduce such arbitrary limitations made by the German and Hungarian authorities.

Board appreciates and is acting upon recommendation contained in final paragraph of your 5579 in reference above.

  1. Not printed, but see telegram 5948, July 28, midnight, to London, p. 1106.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Not printed.