840.48 Refugees/8–1244: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)

2918. The following for Harrison and McClelland from Department and War Refugee Board is WRB 133.

The policy of this Government, in reference to section 2 of your 4983 of August 3,69 is not to deal in specific numbers. However, in your discretion you may authorize Swiss Foreign Office to answer inquiry of German Legation, Budapest, by referring to position of this Government indicated by paragraphs 2 to 6 inclusive of Department’s 2605 of July 28,70 Department’s 2877 of August 21,71 and Department’s 2657 of August 2 and paragraph 3 hereunder.
This Government intends to pursue further the reported offers of Hungarian authorities as typified by your 4604 of July 19 notwithstanding recent developments as indicated in your 5197 of August 11,72
Kindly therefore request appropriate Swiss Government officials to inform enemy governments, especially Germany and Hungary, [Page 1136] that issuance of immigration visa to the alien husband, wife, parent and unmarried minor child of an American citizen, and the wife and unmarried minor child of an alien resident of the United States who have been in an area controlled by Germany or any of Germany’s allies has been authorized, provided that such person present himself to an American consular officer in a neutral country and is found not to be disqualified therefor. Simultaneously kindly try to obtain prompt agreement of Swiss Government to inform enemy governments that persons falling within categories described above will be permitted entry into Switzerland. Swiss officials may be assured that any such persons so admitted will be adequately maintained and that any found not qualified for visa issuance will be evacuated at earliest possible time. Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Turkey are being similarly approached.73
Authorization to issue immigration visas to any alien who is the husband, wife, parent, or unmarried minor child of an American citizen and on whose behalf nonquota or first preference status has been established by the approval by the Department of Justice of a petition filed by such citizen relative, or who is the wife or unmarried minor child of an alien lawfully admitted into the United States for permanent residence and as such is entitled to second preference immigration status is hereby given to consular officers in Switzerland. However, visa issuance is subject to the provisos that (1) such person is not affirmatively found by the consul under the law to be inadmissible into the United States, (2) the consul does not consider the case to be one which should be recommended for consideration under the committee procedure, or (3) such person other than a child under 16 years of age is found upon telegraphic reference to the Department for security check not to be the subject of an adverse report or to be open to reasonable suspicion because of case’s circumstances such as those attending the release of a military aged male applicant.
The foregoing is being brought to attention of private agencies so that filing of petitions by citizen and resident alien relatives of victims of persecution may be expedited, and names of persons whose status is established within the above mentioned categories will be cabled to you periodically. Please inform Board promptly of names of persons and the names and addresses of relatives claimed to reside in the United States, if any persons within such categories arrive in Switzerland after Swiss have informed enemy governments in accordance with paragraph 3 above, but before establishment of their status is communicated to you.
Any developments in this program should be reported. Kindly express to Pilet-Golaz,74 in reference your 5042 of August 575 and 5248 of August 12,76 our deep appreciation of his active interest.
  1. Not printed; it concerned a note from the Swiss Foreign Office with respect to a communication from the German Legation in Hungary indicating the desire of the German Government “that part of Jewish emigrants from Hungary be accepted by the United States” and the desire of the Swiss Legation at Budapest “to be informed how many of these emigrants may be accorded permits enter the United States.” (840.48 Refugees/8–344)
  2. Not printed, but see telegram 5948, July 28, midnight, to London, p. 1106.
  3. Not printed; it concerned authority to permit the issuance by consular officers in Switzerland of visas to refugee children arriving in Switzerland from Hungary (811.111 Refugees/206b).
  4. Not printed.
  5. Hungary was so advised on September 22.
  6. Marcel Pilet-Golaz, Chief of the Swiss Federal Political Department.
  7. Not printed.
  8. Not printed; it reported the consent of Swiss Government to give temporary refuge to 8,000 holders of Palestine certificates from Hungary in addition to proposed asylum for expectant mothers and children (840.48 Refugees/8–1244).